Sunday, November 15, 2009

A One-Drug Death

When a person commits a really horrible crime, he or she is sometimes put to death. In most states, the three-drug method is used. The first drug knocks out an inmate, the second drug paralyzes him or her, and the third stops the heart. This process is extremely painful, especially if the first drug doesn't work. Ty Alper, associate director of the Death Penalty Clinic at UC Berkeley said, "'Parazlyzing inmates before executing them- so we can't tell whether they are suffering- is a barbaric practice'".
If you are on death row in Ohio, you are in luck, or as much as you can have on death row. Ohio has adopted a new method of execution, a one-drug injection. This method has never been tried on prisoners before. This single drug is an overdose of anesthesia, the same drug used to euthanize pets, sedate surgery patients, and been used in assisted suicides in Europe. This one drug method is intended to make executions more humane.
I think that it's good that people are attempting to make executions humane, but I don't think the death penalty is and never will be humane. Personally, I think life in prison or any other harsh punishment is worse then getting put to death. Getting killed is the easy way out, but having the spend 30 years in a small cell almost seems worse. It's also just not right to kill other people. Props to Ohio, but I think the death penalty should be abolished.

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